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hosted services

hosted services

There's been a few phone calls to the system lately. I'm debating about weather or not the phone numbers should remain in the file names. Each and every one of the callers below has been involved in wrong doing, so I'm inclined to leave them put.

  1. 2013-06-26T09:57-002348054194601
  2. 2013-06-28T12:47-01227252100
    Ok, they're not a 419 scam, but they did spam me. Don't like being listed here? Choose a better mass mailing marketing company if you want to shift the blame to them.
  3. 2013-06-29T12:04-002348037344997
    I can confirm, I do check my mail regularly
  4. 2013-07-02T11:07-002347061854992
    Yes, I am sleepy
  5. 2013-07-03T08:00-0022968762201
    Check my email?
  6. 2013-07-03T12:18-0022968762201
    Check my email? Twice in one day!?
  7. 201307091243-00233246344579
  8. 201307091640-002347038534439
    Maybe I should check my mail again
  9. 201307091643-002347038534439
    Too sleepy to check my mail
  10. 201307100844-002347038534439
    Mr Woo calling

Phone calls from "David". If you listen I think they follow the same script, but are from different people.

  1. 201307182343-002348057684481
  2. 201307182344-002348057684481
  3. 201307182351-002348057684481
  4. 201307182351-002348057684481
  5. 201307182358-002348057684481
  6. 201307190024-002348035609455

He really wants a Mr Roger.

  1. 201307290745
  2. 201307290748
  3. 201307290750
  4. 201307291144
  5. 201307291832
  6. 201307291833
  7. 201307311240

Darn marketing company, again - no I did NOT ask you to email me, and I don't know /how/ you found my address

  1. 201307311238

Peters Okafor

  1. 201308061930
  2. 201308061950

Mr Donald Bold

It's great when someone just rings back because they didn't know what just happened

  1. 201308210739
  2. 201308210747
  3. 201308210748

Barrister George Alex

He thought I was sleepy, but then gave up. Don't know who he mailed, but Robot Ed didn't get it.

  1. 201309041020
  2. 201309041038
  3. 201309041528
  4. 201309041833

Its "Check Your Email" guy again (we think)

  1. 201309051047

Another day - and he's back

  1. 201309061926