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Password generator

Password generator

Specify your own password
or use one of the passwords below:
OutpatientBeadingStenographickNnm4YZNEYUKs   $1$mHztSr6C$JCN6YST7iT4QsXxvsEsQY.
CrossbonesDeadlineTats/FlbN522AXY7I   $1$SUI6M1CC$yKljAf6huEa7tMtbZu/Lh0
AggressorsAlternatelyWeighed0fEBWi5mH5PJc   $1$M0jlRUBG$8riVPTw5v8nlx/P35ISKJ/

apache htauth

nullTo make use of this with Apache HTTP server do the following: Create a new file called .htpass on your server in an area which is not writable by the webserver, /var/local/secure/.htpass perhaps. This file is configured with name:pass pairs, so for a new user named 'admin' we would have:
Now we have the password file created, we need to tell Apache HTTP how to use this. We do this by creating/modifying a .htaccess file in the directory that we want to protect.
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /var/local/secure/.htpass
AuthName secure
require valid-user
satisfy any
It's worth noting that these passwords can be sent in clear text, so if your webserver is running on port 80 (the normal port for plaintext HTTP) then the client will sent the full password (not the crypt string) in plain text to the webserver, so anyone packet sniffing will get to see your password, as you typed it. To combat this, it's worth making your web server redirect all port 80 traffic on your protected directory to a SSL service running on port 443. Hopefully your users will catch on and won't enter passwords in clear text. Including this in your .htaccess file should do the trick.
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
RewriteRule ^(.*)       https://%{SERVER_NAME}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301]
I hope this has been of some help.