why unix | RBL service | netrs | please | ripcalc | linescroll


A simple console program to show network interface statistics.

Pull requests welcome.


$ git clone https://gitlab.com/edneville/netrs.git
$ cd netrs
$ cargo build --release
$ please install -o 0 -g 0 -m755 target/release/netr /usr/local/bin
$ cargo clean


It works best in an 80x24 terminal.

You'll see something that looks a bit like this:

interface         in       out      | in/sec   | out/sec  | in/min   | out/min  
docker0           0        0        | 0        | 0        | 0        | 0
eth0              765 MiB  678 MiB  | 41 KiB   | 591 KiB  | 2 MiB    | 29 MiB
lo                806 MiB  806 MiB  | 0        | 0        | 0        | 0
total             1 GiB    1 GiB    | 41 KiB   | 591 KiB  | 2 MiB    | 29 MiB

           ###                           #                         #
           #### #   #                    #                         #
           #### ##  #  ##   #        ##  #    ##  ########         ##
          ########  ## ######     ## ###### # ## ##########     #####
          ############ ####### ##### ######## ## ##########   #######
          ############ ####### ############################# ########

netr will remain running until you quit using ctrl-c.